It is very easy to mess up your credit . Get a loan and then miss payments or make them late. The goal of the banks developing credit scores is to help them predict the likelihood of a customer missing a payment on the loan in the next year. Simple Cure for Missed Payment There is a simple cure for a one missed payment that will often work. I helped a friend, she had not bothered to make the payment on her auto tire loan. Her bill was only $40 per month and she just decided not to make it one month. It killed her credit score. I had her make all of her payments on time for six months. She wanted to pay it off but I told her she was better off to not pay it off and just make the normal payments plus one on time. After six months of making her payments on time I had her call her lender from the tire store. I had her very nicely ask the customer service agent for help. She said it was an accident that she m...