Traveling with credit cards can be convenient, but it's important to take steps to keep them safe and secure. Here are some tips for safely traveling with credit cards: Notify your bank: Before you travel, let your bank or credit card company know where and when you will be traveling, so they can monitor your account for suspicious activity. This is especially true if you are traveling overseas. I was in Malaysia once and neither of the two bank cards I took with me would work. My buddy had an AMEX that worked so we did not have to clean hotel rooms to get out of Kuala Lumpur. Carry only what you need: Only carry the credit cards you need for your trip and leave the others at home. This will reduce the risk of losing them or having them stolen. My Note: If I am leaving town I carry cards from three different banks, Chase, Cap One, and Wells Fargo. Close to home I always carry two cards from different banks. Recently I tried to use...
How to talk to your Credit company First off remember this conversation will probably be noted and recorded on your account. Next time you call the customer service agent will be able to see the notes of this conversation. I am always friendly, and nice. Since I am probably asking for a favor, I ask for help. If the agent cannot help me I respectfully ask to speak to the supervisor. If the supervisor cannot grant my request I ask them for suggestions. Never be a jerk to your Lender This will not be reported to the credit bureau but the will be put on the internal record of your credit card or loan account. It will state how much of a jerk you were to deal with. Next time you call the customer service agent will see your previous call notes. Customer Service agents often deal with angry customers, don't be one of them. Nicely ask them for information and if you want them to help you with something ask nicely for h...