A perfect FICO or Vantage 300 Credit Score is an 850. The lowest score is a 300. An 800 plus credit score is excellent and what most people aspire to. To earn an 800 plus credit score you must have at least three different credit sources, no missed payments in the last 7 years, Less than a 10% credit utilization, and an average credit history of at least 6 years. 800 Plus Credit Score Requirements The requirements for an 800+ score are rarely stated but here's what I have found: You must have at least three sources of credit. An example might be two credit cards and a car loan. Three to five credit cards may get you there. If you add in a Personal line of credit, that will help. You cannot have any missed payments in your credit history in the last 7 years. This is pretty much an absolute. Missed Payments will kill your credit score, especially when you are first starting to build your credit history. You cannot have any Coll...